Sunday, December 12, 2010

Composition and Line Project

For this project I cut a 2"x2" window from the center of a piece of black construction paper and used it as a viewfinder to look through my arranged 3-D objects that I placed on my desk. The point of this project is to   make contour line drawings based on the objects I found through the viewfinder. Some of the objects I used were a pencil sharpener, paintbrush, pencil, water bottle, sharpie pen, eraser, 1 roll of painters tape, whiteout, room key, chap-stick, tape roll, and medicine bottle. The drawings are to be very different from each other and to cut off each side of the square. 

Metamorphosis Project

For my Metamorphosis project I decided to use the social justice issue that is very prevalent today. After watching the documentary called "The Cove" which is about dolphins being killed in Japan by the thousands I decided that it was an issue I wanted to learn more about. The fishermen real in thousands of dolphin into a cove and pick out the good looking dolphins of which these dolphins are sold to places like Sea-World to be trained to be entertainers and they kill the ones that aren't good looking enough. 

My metamorphosis project is on the dolphin killings in Japan and the first image I chose was fisher men in a boat killing dolphins and loading them onto the boat. This image gradually changes into a young boy eating a piece of sushi with chopsticks. The sushi represents the dolphin because the reality that results in the killings of the dolphins it turns into food for the local schools because they have such an excess of dead  dolphins that do not pass the bar to be sold to places like Sea-World for thousands of dollars and the fishermen donate it to the schools for kids to eat. Since the dolphins hold high concentrations of mercury in their body, to eat them ultimately leads to sickness and a slow death.

Changing the Identity of Shape

I cut up a 4-inch square of black construction paper and then cut it up and used all the pieces to make a flat, non-objective design on a white 8"x10" ground. The point of this exercise is for viewers not to recognize the original square and to destroy the identity of the square. 
Design 1: 

I repeated the directions for Design 1 but used a complete different strategy. 
Design 2: 

I cut up all the pieces of 4-inch square of black construction paper to make a flat abstract design. The point is for the observer not to recognize the original square and destroy the identity of the square. 
Design 3: 

I cut up all the pieces of a 4-inch square of black construction paper and designed a flat non-objective design that still retains the essence of a square and resembling a square. 
Design 4: